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Network Marketing: Real Business or Real Scam?

by Michael L. Sheffield In order to understand what network marketing is you also have to understand what it isn’t.  Network marketing isn’t a pyramid scam. Pyramids are programs similar to chain letters where people just invest money based on the promise that other people will put in money that will filter back to them and somehow, […]

Positioning Your Company for Survival

by Michael L. Sheffield The success or failure of any Direct Selling/MLM company is based on many issues. It is difficult to target any one factor as the primary reason a company will thrive or fail to survive. The following are a few areas that should be considered: Product Selection. Products or services that are “New […]

Do You Have The “Write” Stuff?

by Michael L. Sheffield One of the greatest challenges facing an entrepreneur entering the network marketing industry for the first time is translating his or her tremendous vision into words an average distributor can truly understand and use. Do it well and your business can take off like a rocket. Do it poorly and the […]

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